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구인: Mission Director of Asia Pacific Baptist Federation (Full time pos…

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작성자 fmbkorea 댓글 0건 조회 2,920회 작성일 20-05-08 13:26



President / General Secretary APBF Member Conventions/Unions

Subject: Advertisement for full time position of APB Mission Director.

Dear co-workers in Christ,

Greetings in His name!

A generation earlier Asia and the Pacific heavily relied on the activities of missionaries from the West to bring the gospel to our region. But a generation has since passed and mission perspectives in Asia and Pacific region have changed dramatically. While the number of missionaries from the West is rapidly declining, it is imperative that the Asia Pacific believers must capture the heart of God and pursue His mission in our region. It is a reality now that many Churches have resources that can be used extensively for the expansion of the gospel in our region. But even though the positive change is taking place there still remains many regions in the Asia Pacific who have not heard or received the gospel. Asia is still considered the least evangelized continent in the world. In short, the remaining task of evangelization of Asia and the Pacific is now in our hands.

Two or three decades ago the APBF mainly gathered for the purpose of fellowship. The main function was to encourage one another, pray, and network with each other. The APBF played the role of bringing member bodies into theological, mission forums and provided required resource persons to the forums but time has come APBF cannot remain simply for fellowship or networking, but we must become the frontal movement in the proclamation of the gospel in ‘the least gospel penetrated continent in the world.’

How can we effectively engage with our local partners for the greater vision of mission work that God has called us to do? Indeed this must be done with the mindset that APBF has Global Pursuits. The global vision of APBF is to obey Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations by participating, as part of the global church, in sharing the gospel with every culture and every people. APBF is placed where member bodies can leverage much more from just networking but build partnership that will strengthen the proclamation of the gospel.

As a frontal organization amongst the Baptist in the Asia Pacific we are placed in a regional capacity to activate, connect and collaborate our Baptist churches for the mission work in our region. As the Mission statement of APBF already aspires “Inspire and Equip Baptists by Collaborating, Networking, Training and Serving to fulfill the Great Commission.” Now, all we need is truly engaging as partners in God’s harvest field. For that reason the APBF have felt the need to get a full time Mission Director for APBF to carry that endeavor.

The APBF is therefore inviting a God-called person to embrace this work of service as full time Mission Director. You will find attached the job description of the same for your reference. This is primarily being sent to member conventions and those closely associated with APBF. We thus urge you to join us in praying for God’s chosen, since we believe in the principle of Acts 6:3 - ‘men/women of good reputation, acceptable in the community of faith, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom’

If you have such persons, you may endorse/encourage them to apply. Here are few details that will be required of the person applying.

Application Documents

1 An account of your spiritual journey.
Curriculum Vitae
Ministry Vision or Proposed Plans as Mission Director
Four Reference Letters. (Convention President or General Secretary, Pastor, Friend, Associate)
Next Step
Send your documents to:
Your application can be received between May 20 through June 20. (Last date for submission of application is June 20 midnight.)
A questionnaire will be sent to you to respond once we receive your application.
Shortlisted candidates will face an interview online through Zoom between July 1 through July 31.
The announcement for your appointment as the APBF Missions Director will be announced between August 15-20. 6. Your appointment begins from October 1.
You will be requested to attend the APBF Execom meeting from February 15-17, 2021 and present the APBF Missions ministry plans.
Candidates applications should address the key criteria of Essential Knowledge, Skills and Experience, as listed in the job description. (Job Responsibilities Attached.)

Salary can be negotiated on the basis of the job criteria, qualification of the successful candidate and the country in which the candidate will be based in the Asia Pacific region.

The APBF normally expect the person to operate out of his/her own country. Further details will be provided how this is to be achieved.

Thanking you for your kind cooperation and partnership in this vital job of appointing God’s chosen.

Sincerely in Christ,

Vesekhoyi Tetseo (Vee), Th.D Rev. Edwin Lam

General Secretary President


Rev. Dr. Timothy Lee

Chair, APBF Mission and Evangelism


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